April Monthly Meeting-Webinar

  • 22 Apr 2020
  • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Wherever you are


Topic: "Guidance for Public Finance Professionals During a Pandemic"

Speaker: Baker Tilly Municipal Advisors Team

Finance departments are a critical part of supporting the front-line public safety heroes and many essential city services. Navigating our way through a pandemic requires everyone to work hard and adapt to the new normal. It’s hard to keep up with all the news and requests for information.

This session is an opportunity to come together with your peers over a virtual lunch to hear about 1) strategies for analyzing the impact of COVID-19 on your financial position, 2) funding and financing sources for operations, 3) the municipal bond market and selling bonds in volatile times, 4) credit rating outlook for the USA, new rating questions to prepare for, and 5) answers to common questions we’ve been asked by municipalities over the past few weeks.

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